Who We Are
Our Identity
We have identified ourselves as The Lake Community Bible Church and are members of an international fellowship (not a denomination) of churches known as IFCA International (www.ifca.org).
“Lake Community” Identifies us with Lake county and more specifically with the immediate area in which the church is located…surrounded by several area lakes.
“Bible” Refers to being shaped and formed by the very Word of God. God’s Word is essential for life. Being inspired – the very breath of God – inerrant, free from error, and infallible – it is unfailing in its purpose. As such, it is totally sufficient to be our guide and rule for every area of life so that we might become more like Christ Jesus in character. God’s Word defines and directs all we do and are.
“Church” Refers to our fellowship as a community of faith belonging to Jesus Christ. It is a reminder that we are a family with a mutual interdependence and accountability. Together we exalt Him as our Lord and Savior. We extend His work and witness in the world which desperately needs Him. As His Church, the Bride, we eagerly await His coming for us when our faith will be sight and we will be with Him eternally.
Perhaps some of the terms we use to identify and explain ourselves are new to you. That’s ok. We too are still learning the mysteries God has revealed to us in His Word. We invite you to come and learn along with us more about the Infinite, Majestic, Awesome God we worship.
Our Focus
Jesus is the focus of the Bible and of God’s plan to rescue lost sinners. At Lake Community Bible Church, we lift up and make Him known through Christ-centered preaching and God-honoring worship.
Our Mission is…
To be a Gospel-centered fellowship of followers of Christ meeting to pray, worship and praise God together;
To faithfully teach His Word so as to assist each other to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and equip God’s people for the work of the ministry;
To go out as witnesses and ambassadors for Christ to share the Good News with lost people, whose greatest need is to be reconciled to God through the finished work of His Son, Jesus Christ, at Calvary.
Our Identity
We have identified ourselves as The Lake Community Bible Church and are members of an international fellowship (not a denomination) of churches known as IFCA International (www.ifca.org).
“Lake Community” Identifies us with Lake county and more specifically with the immediate area in which the church is located…surrounded by several area lakes.
“Bible” Refers to being shaped and formed by the very Word of God. God’s Word is essential for life. Being inspired – the very breath of God – inerrant, free from error, and infallible – it is unfailing in its purpose. As such, it is totally sufficient to be our guide and rule for every area of life so that we might become more like Christ Jesus in character. God’s Word defines and directs all we do and are.
“Church” Refers to our fellowship as a community of faith belonging to Jesus Christ. It is a reminder that we are a family with a mutual interdependence and accountability. Together we exalt Him as our Lord and Savior. We extend His work and witness in the world which desperately needs Him. As His Church, the Bride, we eagerly await His coming for us when our faith will be sight and we will be with Him eternally.
Perhaps some of the terms we use to identify and explain ourselves are new to you. That’s ok. We too are still learning the mysteries God has revealed to us in His Word. We invite you to come and learn along with us more about the Infinite, Majestic, Awesome God we worship.
Our Focus
Jesus is the focus of the Bible and of God’s plan to rescue lost sinners. At Lake Community Bible Church, we lift up and make Him known through Christ-centered preaching and God-honoring worship.
Our Mission is…
To be a Gospel-centered fellowship of followers of Christ meeting to pray, worship and praise God together;
To faithfully teach His Word so as to assist each other to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and equip God’s people for the work of the ministry;
To go out as witnesses and ambassadors for Christ to share the Good News with lost people, whose greatest need is to be reconciled to God through the finished work of His Son, Jesus Christ, at Calvary.