Phone 231-898-2567
8033 Central Park Boulevard
Baldwin MI 49304
8033 Central Park Boulevard
Baldwin MI 49304
If this is your first connection with Lake Community Bible Church, we welcome you to our website and trust it will be a valuable tool to help you get acquainted with our fellowship. We are a body of believers who love the Lord, desire to make the sacrificial work of our Savior known and grow together in the work of the Lord.
Of course a website is no substitute for joining us at one or more of our services. So on behalf of our church family I invite you join us in worship at your earliest convenience and maybe join us for fellowship immediately following the service. If you wish to contact us, please call 231-898-2567 and leave a message, we will get back to you.
We look forward to meeting you soon.
Of course a website is no substitute for joining us at one or more of our services. So on behalf of our church family I invite you join us in worship at your earliest convenience and maybe join us for fellowship immediately following the service. If you wish to contact us, please call 231-898-2567 and leave a message, we will get back to you.
We look forward to meeting you soon.